- It is a condition that causes one to have too little amniotic fluid during pregnancy. It can occur at any time during pregnancy (most common in third trimester).
Causes of oligohydramnios
It may be due to different reasons including:
- Medical problem in mother like diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking or dehydration.
- Fetal growth problems from intrauterine growth restriction.
- Pregnancy that continues post the due date.
- Pregnancy with more than one baby.
- The placenta pulls away from uterus or cannot bring enough blood to baby.
- Intra uterine infections.
- Premature rupture of membrane.
- Renal agenesis or obstruction of urinary tract of fetus.
- As side effects of some drugs like ARBs (Angiotensin Receptor Blocker), COX inhibitors.
Signs and symptoms of Oligohydramnios
- Less amniotic fluid, smaller uterus size and smaller abdomen size than expected for trimester.
- Slow heartbeat and fewer movement of fetus.
- Amniotic fluid leaking from mother’s vagina.
Complications of Oligohydramnios
- Baby’s lung may not develop completely.
- Chances of brain damage of fetus, baby with clubfoot and flattened nose bridge.
- Chances of miscarriage or still birth.
- Simple maternal hydration may be beneficial.
- In severe cases, it may be treated with amnioinfusion during labor to prevent umbilical cord compression.
When to contact health care provider
- If you have heavy bleeding or bleeding from vagina for more than 24 hours.
- If clear fluid is leaking from vagina.
- In casebaby is moving less than usual.
- If you have fever, chills, low backache, craps or pressure in abdomen.
- If there are contractions before due date.