- Abbreviations are used very frequently in medicine. It helps health professional to save their time. Medical abbreviations are used to complete patient chart, write prescriptions, communicate general needs and bills for services.
- Its very important to know at least few commonly used medical abbreviations to understand the prescription.
- Here is the list of medical abbreviation from letter A-Z.
Letter A
- AA: Amino Acid.
- A & W: Alive and Well.
- ABD: Abdomen.
- ABG: Arterial Blood Gas.
- ABX: Antibiotics.
- a.c.: Before meals.
- a/g ratio: albumin to globulin ratio.
- ACL: Anterior Crucial Ligament.
- AD: Right Ear.
- ADH: Anti-diuretic Hormone.
- ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
- ADM: Admission, Admitted.
- Ad lib: At will, as desired.
- ADR: Adverse Drug reaction.
- AF: Acid- Fast
- AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
- AKA: Above the knee Amputation.
- AL: Left ear.
- ALS: Advanced Life Support.
- ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
- ARF: Acute Renal Failure.
- ASCVD: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.
- AU: Both ears.
- AXR: Abdominal X-ray.
Letter B
- BAL: Blood alcohol level.
- BC: Birth control.
- BE: Barium enema.
- bid: Twice daily.
- BKA: Below the Knee Amputation.
- bld: Blood.
- BM: Bowel movement.
- BMD: Bone mass density.
- BMI: Body mass index.
- BMP: Basic Metabolic Panel.
- BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate.
- BMT: Bone marrow transplant.
- BP: Blood Pressure.
- BPD: Borderline Personality Disorder.
- BRP: Bathroom privileges.
- BSO: Bilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy. A BSO is the removal of both of the ovaries and adjacent Fallopian tubes.
- Bx: Biopsy.
Letter C
- C: centigrade, celsius
- C/F: chills, fever.
- C/O: Complaint of.
- C/S: esarean section
- C & S: Culture and Sensitivity.
- cap: Capsule.
- CA: Cancer.
- CAB: Carotid artery bruit.
- CAD: Coronary artery disease.
- CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft.
- CBC: Complete Blood Count.
- CBD: Common bile duct.
- CBF: Cerebral blood flow.
- CC– Chief complaint.
- CDE– Complete Dental (Oral) evaluation.
- CF: Cystic fibrosis.
- CFT: Complement fixation testing.
- CHD: Congenital heart disease.
- CHF: Congestive heart failure.
- CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.
- CO2: Carbon dioxide.
- COLD: Chronic obstructive lung disease.
- COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
- CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
- CT: Chemotherapy.
- CV: Cardiovascular.
- CVA: Cerebrovascular accident (Stroke).
- CVS: Cardiovascular System.
- CXR: Chest x-ray
Letter D
- D/C or DC– Discontinue or Discharge.
- DCIS: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.
- DDX: Differential Diagnosis.
- DJD: Degenerative Joint Disease.
- DM: Diabetes Mellitus.
- DNC, D & C or D and C: Dilation and Curettage.
- DNR: Do not Resuscitate.
- DOE: Dyspnea on Exertion.
- DTR: Deep tendon reflexes. These are reflexes that the doctor tests by banging on the tendons with a rubber hammer
- DVT: Deep venous thrombosis.
Letter E
- EBL: Estimated Blood loss.
- EBV: Epstein-Barr Virus.
- EC: Eye Contact.
- ECASA– Enteric Coated Acetylsalicylic acid.
- ECC: Emergency Cardiac Care.
- ECT: Electroconvulsive therapy.
- EDC: Estimated date of confinement.
- EDD: Estimated Delivery date.
- EGA: Estimated Gestational Age.
- EGC: Early gastric Cancer.
- ER: Emergency Room.
- ETOH: Alcohol. ETOH intake history is often recorded as part of a patient history.
Letter F
- F: Fahrenheit.
- F/C: Fever, chills.
- FAS: Fetal alcohol syndrome.
- FB: Foreign body.
- FEF: Forced expiratory flow.
- FHR: Fetal heart rate
- FL: Femur length
- FM: Fetal movement
- FNA: Fine needle aspiration
- FNF: Finger to nose
- FOBT: Fecal occult blood testing
- FRC: Functional residual capacity
- FROM: Free range of motion
- FSE: Fetal scalp electrode
- FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone
- FT: Full term
- FX– Fracture.
Letter G
- g: gram, a unit of weight.
- GI: Gastrointestinal.
- GLT: Glucose loading test.
- GSW: Gunshot wound.
- Gtt: Drops.
- GTT: Glucose tolerance test.
- GU: Genitourinary
- GvHD: Graft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease.
Letter H
- H&H: Hemoglobin and Hematocrit.
- H/O or h/o: History of.
- H20: Water
- HA: Hemolytic anemia.
- HAV: Hepatitis A virus.
- Hb: Hemoglobin.
- HBV: Hepatitis B virus.
- HC: Head circumference.
- HCV: Hepatitis C virus.
- HDL: High density lipoprotein.
- HDV: Hepatitis D virus.
- HR: Heart rate or hour.
- HRT: Hormone replacement therapy.
- HS: hour of sleep (bedtime).
- h.s.: At bedtime. As in taking a medicine at bedtime.
- HTN: Hypertension.
Letter I
- I&D: Incision and drainage.
- I&O: Intake and output.
- IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease.
- IBS: Inflammatory bowel syndrome.
- IBW: Ideal body weight.
- ICD: Implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
- ICP: Intracranial pressure.
- ICU: Intensive care unit.
- ID: Infectious diseases
- IM: Intramuscular.
- IMP: Impression. This is the summary conclusion of the patient’s condition by the healthcare professional at that particular date and time.
- in vitro: In the laboratory.
- in vivo: In the body.
- IP: Inpatient
- IPF: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
- IQ: Intelligence quotient.
- ITU: Intensive therapy unit.
- IU: International units.
- IUI: Intrauterine insemination
- IUP: Intrauterine pregnancy
- IUPC: Intrauterine pressure catheter
- IV: Intravenous
- IVF: In vitro fertilization.
- IVIG: Intravenous immune globulin.
- IVP: Intravenous push.
Letter J
- JCV: JC virus.
- JRA: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- JT: Joint.
- JVD: Jugular Venous Distension.
Letter K
- K: Potassium.
- KCL: Potassium chloride.
- KS: Kaposi sarcoma.
- KUB: Kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray).
Letter L
- LAD: Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
- LBP: Lower Back pain.
- LBW: Low Birth weight.
- LCIS: Lobular Carcinoma In Situ.
- LIH: Left Inguinal Hernia.
- LLL: Left lower lobe.
- LLQ: Left lower quadrant.
- LOF: Loss of fluid.
- LUL: Left upper lobe.
- LUQ: Left upper quadrant.
- LV: Left ventricle.
- Lytes: Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and chloride).
Letter M
- M/H: Medical history
- MCL: Medial collateral ligament.
- MCO: managed care organization.
- MD: Muscular dystrophy.
- MDD: Maximum daily dose.
- mg: Milligrams.
- ml: Milliliters.
- MR: Mental retardation.
- MS: Multiple sclerosis.
- MVA: Motor vehicle accident.
- MVP: MItral Valve Prolapse.
Letter N
- N/V: Nausea or vomiting..
- Na: Sodium.
- NCP: Nursing care plan
- NKDA: no known drug allergies
- npo: Nothing by mouth.
- NSR: Normal sinus rhythm of the heart.
- NTG: Nitroglycerin.
- NVD: Normal vaginal delivery
Letter O
- O2: Oxygen.
- OCD: Obsessive compulsive disorder.
- OCP: Oral contraceptive pill
- O&P: Ova and parasites.
- O.D.: Right eye.
- OGTT: Oral glucose tolerance test.
- ON: Optic neuritis.
- OPD: Outpatient department.
- OPV: Oral polio vaccine.
- ORIF: Open reduction and internal fixation.
- O.S.: Left eye.
- OSA: Obstructive sleep apnea.
- OTC: Over the counter.
- O.U.: Both eyes.
Letter P
- P: Pulse.
- PA or PT: Patient.
- PAP: Pulmonary artery pressure.
- PC: after meals.
- PCL: Posterior cruciate ligament.
- PCN: Penicillin.
- PCP: Primary care physician.
- PD: Parkinson’s disease.
- PD: Progressive disease.
- PE: Pulmonary embolism.
- PEEP: Positive end expiratory pressure.
- PERRLA: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.
- PFT: Pulmonary function test.
- PID: Pelvic inflammatory disease.
- PIH: Pregnancy induced hypertension.
- PKD: Polycystic kidney disease.
- Plt: Platelets.
- PMI: Point of maximum impulse of the heart when felt during examination, as in beats against the chest.
- PMS: Pre- Menstrual Syndrome.
- PMDD: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
- PNS: Peripheral nervous system.
- PNV: Pre-natal vitamins.
- p.o.: By mouth. From the Latin terminology per os.
- PRN: as needed.
- PT: Physical therapy.
- PTH: Parathyroid hormone.
- PTSD: Post-traumatic stress syndrome.
- PUD: Peptic Ulcer. A type of ulcer of the stomach.
Letter Q
- q.d.: Each day.
- q.i.d.: Four times daily.
- q2h: Every 2 hours.
- q3h: Every 3 hours.
- qAM: Each morning.
- qhs: At each bedtime.
- qod: Every other day.
- qPM: Each evening.
Letter R
- RA: Rheumatoid arthritis.
- RA: Right atrium.
- RAD: Reactive airway disease.
- RBC: Red blood cell.
- RDS: Respiratory distress syndrome
- R/O: Rule out.
- REB: Rebound, as in rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
- REM: Rapid eye movements.
- RF: Risk factor
- RLQ: Right lower quadrant.
- ROS: Review of systems.
- RUQ: Right upper quadrant.
- RHD: Rheumatic heart disease
- Rx: Treatment.
- RXN: Reaction.
Letter S
- S: without.
- s/p: Status post.
- S/S: signs and symptoms.
- SAB: spontaneous abortion.
- SAD: Season affective disorder. A type of depression that occurs during the winter months when there is little light
- SBO: Small Bowel Obstruction.
- SBS: Shaken Baby Syndrome.
- SOB: Shortness of Breath.
- STAT: Immediately.
- STD: Sexually transmitted disease.
- SQ: Subcutaneous.
- SX: Symptoms.
Letter T
- T: Temperature.
- T&A: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
- T&C: type and cross (blood).
- tab: Tablet.
- TAH: Total abdominal hysterectomy.
- TB: Tuberculosis.
- TBI: Traumatic brain injury.
- TGA: Transient global amnesia.
- THR: Total hip replacement.
- TIW: three times a week.
- i.d.: Three times daily. As in taking a medicine three times daily.
- TKR: Total knee replacement
- TMJ: Tempo mandibular joint
Letter U
- UA or u/a: Urinanalysis.
- U or u**: Unit.
- UC: Ulcerative colitis.
- UE: Upper extremity.
- ULN: Upper limits of normal.
- UO: Urine output
- USOH: Usual state of health
- URI: Upper respiratory infection.
- ut dict: As directed. As in taking a medicine according to the instructions that the health care professional gave in the office or in the past.
- UTI: Urinary Tract Infection.
Letter V
- VB: Vaginal Bleeding
- VS: Vital Signs.
- VSS: Vital signs are stable.
Letter W
- WB: hole Blood
- WBC: White Blood Cells.
- Wt: Weight.
Letter X
- XRT: Radiotherapy (external).
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